Disaster in Rio Grande do Sul!

More than 179 people died
More then 104 people missing
More then 806 people wounded
More than 538,000 people homeless.
More then 615.000 people had to leave their home 
More then 400.000 people without power/electricity
More then 1 million people have no access to clean drinkingwater!

Let's work together to help and support as many people and animals affected by this disaster. Your help is urgently needed! Together we stand for Rio Grande do Sul!

We have all seen the terrible images on the news of the disaster in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The death toll is expected to rise much further. Roads and bridges have been washed away and it's still raining. There are fears that dam failures will worsen the situation and the water will spread and rise even further.

From the Brazilian Dream Project, we cannot continue working on setting up the project when so many people have been affected elsewhere in Brazil. The Brazilian Dream Project is therefore committed to help and support the community and the animals in Rio Grande do Sul.

I met a lot of great people in Brazil who live in Rio Grande do Sul and other affected areas. Fortunately most are safe, but have lost everything they had. Their home, belongings, friends, family, pets. Their future is very uncertain. From one moment to the next, everything they worked hard for disappeared. Do they have to rebuild everything again from scratch. For many people this is incomprehensible. In Rio Grande do Sul, this is the horrible reality. Even though they lost everything they risk their lives daily to rescue and save as many people and animals as possible. 

The Brazilian Dream Project is helping and supporting the community and animals in Rio Grande do Sul. Your donation helps to provide immediate emergency assistance. By collecting and distributing clothing, water, food, medicine, tents, sleeping bags, diapers, everything that is most crucial now. Food and shelter for the animals that have been rescued are also desperately needed. 

Are you supporting the local people & animals, shelter locations, hospitals, animal shelters, veterinarians, schools, charities and associations. And can we support the people who rent boats at their own expense and risk their own lives daily to bring other people and animals to safety. We support them as much as we can so they can continue their important and live-saving rescue missions.

Your donation can make a world of difference for the people who have lost everything.

Together we can create a wave of support, a force of solidarity that is stronger than the force of this disaster. Don't abandon the people of Rio Grande do Sul. Your support is their hope! Let's join forces and leave a powerful, indelible mark on the lives of those who desperately need help.

Clicking the button below will ensure your donation directly supports individuals & animals in Rio Grande do Sul. To contribute to the Brazilian Dream Project, use the donation buttons in the donation section on this page!

Clicking the button below will ensure your donation directly supports individuals & animals in Rio Grande do Sul. To contribute to the Brazilian Dream Project, use the donation buttons in the donation section on this page!

Welcome to the Brazilian Dream Project

"Everything good in this world starts with a dream. Hold on to yours, because if you no longer have the power to dream, then you certainly don't have the power to make your dreams come true."

Imagine having everything in your life that you could ever want. A good job, your own company, a house, a wonderful and loving partner and a very bright future ahead of you. Life smiles at you and you try to make all your dreams come true. And then from one moment to the next, in a few minutes your entire future changes. Not by yourself or your partner, but by someone else's choice. By a narcissistic and psychopathic personality who has been planning this for months/years.

Welcome to the Brazilian Dream Project. I am Ricardo and the initiator of the project which was created after my heart attack and the gruesome and extremely violent murder of my life partner Emmy on July 31, 2020. The way my girl was taken away, that I not only lost my partner but also my soulmate and my best friend placed me into a deep depression. Untill I got the opportunity to meet some lovely people in Brazil who helped me through some hard and rough times. Now it's time for me to do something back. To start with making the dreams of me and Emmy come true. And of course to turn those dreams into concrete actions and goals. 

"Let's make dreams become real and support our important mission in Brazil".

Promotional video's.

Social Media and Donation pages.

Follow our project on Social Media and support our Brazilian Dream!

Join our mission in making dreams come true, through The Brazilian Dream Project, a charity initiative that provides crucial support to the most vulnerable people in Brazil. Your donation can make a significant difference in the lives of those we support.

We urgently need your help to kick-start this project, which is why we implore you to join our mission and contribute to The Brazilian Dream Project today. Together, we can create a better society by working and learning from each other.

By offering various workshops, training courses, and activities, we can bring people closer and let different groups work and grow together. Your contribution will help those who are in the final stages of their lives, those with physical and/or mental disabilities, and those living in poverty.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on someone's life. We urge you to take action today and help make the world a better place. Share our cause with your network and visit our social media pages for more information and to keep in touch with our project/mission.  We are very grateful for your support and are determined to demolish obstacles and create meaningful memories for those in need.

Remember, "life has no boundaries except the ones we impose on ourselves". Let's break those boundaries together and make beautiful memories for those who need it most. Thank you for your unwavering support. 

Let's make dreams become real, support our mission in Brazil. 

Don't hesitate, support our project and donate! Let's make dreams come true, together!

Obrigado por todo seu apoio!

The steps of the Brazilian Dream Project:

1. Real estate that does more!

Purchase of a property in Brazil with the intention of renting it out (inter)nationally. The building is the heart of the project. It provides additional income to finance the other projects. It's also used to show people that dreams can come true. You only need a different state of mind, let go of toxic thoughts and rebuild your own life. It's also the base used in some of our workshops and courses. The first steps of getting further starts with the person self. 

The reason for choosing to purchase a property is that rental properties cannot be adapted for disabled people.      

2. Making dreams come true together!

"If you no longer have the power to dream then you certainly don't have the power to make your dreams come true."

Making the property available for social purposes. Offering this to people who are in the last part of their lives. To make beautiful memories with friends and family. Being together one last time before the final farewell takes place. What if that dream could become reality?

By offering the building to people with a physical and/or mental disability. To people who do not have much to spend financially. To be able to get away with their children without thinking about financial problems, to be free for a while and to feel human again. By being able to offer the children an unforgettable moment. Experiences that they take with them and can share with friends. What if that dream could become reality?

3. Pruning, Growing and Blossoming: 

"Life has no boundaries except those we impose on ourselves."

Organizing workshops, courses and activities in the immediate area. With the aim of connecting and growing people. By removing them from their (social) isolation. To learn to trust theirself again and to grow together with others towards self-reliance. By working together we can take each other's lives to limitless heights.

By coaching, guiding and mentoring people who have given up trying to rekindle the pilot light. To grow and blossom again with their own strength. To make people grow you first have to prune. Remove ingrained and learned behavior and then grow again with new insights and ultimately blossom again.

4. The future is a dream that can come true:

In the future it would be fantastic if multiple projects and activities could be started. More properties can be purchased. For permanent rental, a youth center, a meeting place, a restaurant or a B&B/hotel where people who have difficulty or cannot find work get an opportunity to grow. People with Down syndrome, with a mental and/or physical disability or people with low literacy who would normally have no chance on the labor market. In this way you offer income, daytime activities, employment and the opportunity to learn and study on the job.

It would be great if the project could also be started and built up in other countries in the future. Where the different teams are connected to work together even more. Or even exchange with each other. That people can also work temporarily in another country and gain experience. 

Using the property

Imagine you are in the last stage of your life and having the dream of being able to make beautiful memories with friends & family. One last time before the final farewell takes place.  What if that dream can become reality?

Imagine that you have a physical or mental disability and you can get away with friends & family for a while. That you can feel human again. That you don't have to think about your disability for a while, but can just enjoy for a little while. What if that dream can become reality?

Or that you would like to enjoy a holiday with your children, friends & family. But you don't actually have the financial resources for a holiday. To get away from it all without thinking about financial woes. That you have the dream of being free for a while. That you can offer your children an unforgettable moment. Experiences that they can take with them and share with their friends at school. What if that dream can become reality?

You can make those dreams become reality. How? By donate and support our project. What means a small amount to many can mean the world and make a difference to others.           Let's make dreams come true, together!

A donation can be done for the price of a Starbucks Coffee or an McDonalds hamburger. Every donation counts, even the small ones will help us and support our project.

And this is only the beginning. The more donations we receive the more we can do in the future. By expending our projects to multiple buildings, places and even other countries. Our ideas are almost endless. Only thing missing at the moment are the financial resources. So please help us start and grow with your donation and share our beautiful projects. 

Side projects next to the property

In addition to renting out the property, we want to set up and provide courses and trainings. But also organize activities on the beach, the water and in the immediate vicinity. This may include the following activities:                                                                       
  • Courses in dealing with money and learning how to budget
  • Legal & Financial advice
  • English and Portuguese language lessons
  • Bereavement course/dealing with loss of a loved one
  • Cooking courses & lessons about good & honest food.
  • Drawing & painting lessons
Activities on the water or in the surrounding area are also considered. Not only for people with a physical and/or mental disability, but also for (underprivileged) youth and the elderly. For these activities we want to collaborate as much as possible with foundations from the immediate area.                                                                                         
  • Horse riding / Buggy driving
  • A temporary water park in the immediate vicinity
  • Sports & fitness activities on the beach
  • Film, theater and music on the beach
  • Nature and beach walks, fishing trips
  • Meeting moments against loneliness, with sports/games/coffee & tea.

Resume of some activities

Donate action:

For those who donate and help us start the project we have the following promotion offer.

  • Donation of € 100.00 to € 250.00 = 1 long weekend (Fri/Mon) free property rent.
  • Donation of € 250.00 to € 500.00 = 1 midweek (Mon/Fri) free property rent.
  • Donation of € 500.00 to € 1000.00 = 1 week (Mo/Sun) free property rent.
  • Donation of € 1000.00 or more = 2 weeks (14 days) free property rent.

Please note: The promotion only concerns the rental of the property and does not include travel and other costs. This promotion starts the moment the property is purchased, is ready for rental and is available. This promotion is valid for 5 years after purchase of the property. 

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